The International Intellectual Property Training Institute (IIPTI), which is a sub-organization of the Korean Intellectual Property Office (KIPO), is responsible for intellectual property (IP) education in Korea. In collaboration with the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) and Korea International Cooperation Agency (KOICA), we conduct IP education for IP-related officials in the public and private sectors of least developed and less developed countries to enhance their awareness of IP and develop IP systems in their countries.
Vision and Mission
Our vision is "to cultivate IP experts by strengthening customized IP education".
Our mission is summarized in the following goals :
- to offer special training courses that help KIPO staff achieve a world-class standard of patent administration;
- to develop the expertise of IPR experts in the private sector through training courses tailored to meet their needs and the needs of their customers;
- to introduce a system of grooming invention geniuses with the help of experienced IP specialists and the systematization of invention education;
- to establish international cooperation and substantial IPR education for international participants so as to make Korea an IP hub; and
- to create advanced online IPR invention education through high-level IPR education information systems.
Training Program
IP Education for Government Officials
We offer special training courses to help KIPO staff and other officials achieve a world-class standard of patent administration.

- By providing new and supplementary educational courses for examiners and administrative judges at different career levels, we raise professional examination and judgment manpower. We offer a variety of courses, such as courses for new examiners, mid-grade examiners, Administrative judges, etc.
- To improve the professionalism of examiners and administrative judges, we provide in-depth educational courses on fundamental legislations such as Civil Law I, Civil Law II, Civil Proceedings Act, etc.
- To enhance the professionalism and to raise the capabilities of examiners and administrative judges, we offer intensive courses in which case studies and on-the-job training are involved. Some examples are basic & advanced courses for Patent Law and Trademark Law, basic & advanced courses for PCT examination, practical courses for patent litigation, etc.
IP Education for the Private Sector
We strive to boost the expertise of IPR experts in the private sector by running training courses tailored to their needs and the needs of their customers.

- We provide general/expert educational courses for private sectors such as enterprises, organizations, research labs, university students, etc.
- We provide practical training courses for patent attorneys so that the certified manpower of our IP society can improve its capabilities.
- We provide customized educational courses, such as onsite programs, on the weekend or at night for SMEs that have difficulties accessing IP education.
Invention Education
The purpose of invention education is to introduce a training system for invention geniuses with the help of experienced IP specialists and the systematization of invention education.

- We provide education for invention leaders, covering educational methods and program developments, which are practical in educational institutions.
- Through education based on experiences and experiments, we strive to foster creative talents in invention. We also operate in-depth educational courses for students of all levels, such as invention camps for children.
- For organizations and schools in need, we provide house-call education, invention experience classes and courses in connection with the research facilities of Daedeok Valley. We also provide a sharing invention camp for underprivileged youth.
International Education
The purpose of international education at the IIPTI is to promote international cooperation and to make Korea an IP hub of international IPR education.

- In cooperation with WIPO, we operate international seminars (2 to 4 times a year), and also run courses for less developed and least developed countries (1 to 2 times a year).
- Based on an advanced IP education system, we provide education and consultation for foreign patent examiners.
E-learning Education
The purpose of e-learning education is to create advanced online IPR education through high-level IPR education information systems.

- By operating an e-learning education center on IP (like the IP Academy), we endeavor to maximize educational efficiency and user convenience.
- Last updated 08 June 2016
- International Education Division