January 22, 2025

KIPO unveils a revamped version of its global online IP learning platform with greatly enhanced user-friendly features

The Korean Intellectual Property Office(KIPO), headed by Commissioner KIM Wan Ki, unveils a revamped version of "its global online IP learning platform, KIPO Academy" for global audiences including the public, the business sector, students, and government officers with greatly enhanced user-friendly features on February 22nd.

The new version reflects efforts to handle and troubleshoot login and video playback errors frequently caused by the outdated version released back in 2013.

Along with the improvements, this update brings user-friendly features: responsive web design and an improved user interface system that aim to work its content well regardless of devices and computing environments with a view to secure service stability.

The revamped tool offers additional functions; ▲ different ranges of playback speed from 0.25x to 2x other than 1x ▲ continue watching ▲progress rate ▲ Issuing certificate online ▲ taking a test and doing evaluation.

A wide range of educational materials, developed jointly with WIPO, APEC, and the Korea Invention Promotion Association(KIPA), are made accessible to all at no cost.

Amongst open learning resources, IP Panorama 2.0*, getting creative with Pororo, and video content under the theme of determination of patent/trademark infringement and enforcement have been highly recognized.
* Educational videos covering IP management strategy from obtaining, leveraging and protecting IP rights and its case studies

In particular, this revamped version launches (1) a 2024 version of an invention textbook, How to make great ideas for inventions (2) a spanish version of IP Panorama 2.0 (3) education videos on design infringement and enforcement.

Those who are interested in KIPO's IP education can get access to its educational resources after signing up through the link shown below, www.kipoacademy.kr

KIPO's Dean of the International Intellectual Property Training Institute, HEO Jae Woo, stated, "It is my hope that this revamp is committed to helping build capacities of human resources around the world in the IP sector. We will work more closely with international organizations including WIPO, APEC and ASEAN to create new IP educational contents and make better use of our materials."