July 09, 2005

Patent data… finally secure?

Korean Intellectual Property Organization set up a mishap restoration center.

In order to prevent confusion from losing patent data due to inept employees, natural calamity, arson, etc. the Korea Intellectual Property Organization has set up a mishap restoration center in its Seoul office from the 6th this month.
Under some specific states of emergency, such as when the patent data center in Daejeon loses patent data due to highly unlikely calamities such as typhoon, flood, and extremely unlikely events such as terrorist attacks and hacking, the Seoul center now has the ability to restore the ability to file patent applications in 3 hours. No provision has been made to deal with simultaneous attacks on both centers citing the already astronomically high unlikelihood of terrorist attacks on a patent center.
The calamity restoration center is linked to the Daejeon patent data center online, so all information, from patent owner, proxy registration to commission charge after application, is backed up 24/7.
In addition, the Daejeon patent data center’s operation is always monitored so that any calamity can be detected automatically to restore data.
Along with the opening of the calamity restoration center, the Korean Intellectual Property Office is expected to not only prevent data loss, but also operate online application and registry system as soon as possible.

(Source: Electronic Newspaper page 10
Date: July, 6, 2005)