November 08, 2024

KIPO held 10 bilateral meetings with overseas IP offices looking for enhanced cooperation

1. KIPO-EUIPO Bilateral Heads Meeting Commissioner of Korean Intellectual Property Office (KIPO) Wan Ki KIM met with Executive Director of the European Union Intellectual Property Office (EUIPO) João NEGRÃO on July 8, 2024 in Geneva, Switzerland, and discussed the ways to implement the EU-ROK IP Action and other cooperative projects.

KIPO Commissioner Wan Ki KIM (left) and EUIPO Executive Director João NEGRÃO (right) taking a photo after the bilateral meeting

KIPO Commissioner Wan Ki KIM (5th from the left) and EUIPO Executive Director João NEGRÃO (6th from the left) taking a group photo with the delegations after the bilateral meeting

2. KIPO-Office of CGPDTM(India) Bilateral Heads Meeting

Commissioner of Korean Intellectual Property Office (KIPO) Wan Ki KIM held a bilateral meeting with Controller General of Patent, Designs, and Trademarks (Office of CGPDTM) of India Unnat P. PANDIT on July 9, 2024 in Geneva, Switzerland, and discussed key cooperation issues.

KIPO Commissioner Wan Ki KIM (middle in the right side) having a meeting with Controller General Unnat P. PANDIT (middle in the left side)

KIPO Commissioner Wan Ki KIM (6th from the left) shaking hands with Controller General Unnat P. PANDIT (5th from the left) for a group photo with the delegations after the bilateral meeting

3. KIPO-INPI(Brazil) Bilateral Heads Meeting

Commissioner of Korean Intellectual Property Office (KIPO) Wan Ki KIM met with President of National Institute of Industrial Property (INPI) of Brazil Júlio César Moreira on July 9, 2024 in Geneva, Switzerland, and signed a Memorandum of Understanding on Comprehensive Cooperation in the Field of Intellectual Property.

KIPO Commissioner Wan Ki KIM (left) and INPI President Júlio César Moreira (right) holding the singed MoU documents

KIPO Commissioner Wan Ki KIM (middle in the right side) having a meeting with INPI President Júlio César Moreira (middle in the left side)

4. KIPO-IPO(United Kingdom) Bilateral Heads Meeting

Commissioner of Korean Intellectual Property Office (KIPO) Wan Ki KIM met with Chief Executive Officer and Comptroller General of Intellectual Property Office (IPO) of the United Kingdom Adam WILLIAMS on July 9, 2024 in Geneva, Switzerland in a bilateral meeting where they shared thoughts on supporting small enterprises' innovation activities.

KIPO Commissioner Wan Ki KIM (middle in the right side) and UKIPO CEO and Comptroller General Adam WILLIAMS (middle in the left side) having the bilateral meeting

KIPO Commissioner Wan Ki KIM (right) shaking hands with UKIPO CEO and Comptroller General Adam WILLIAMS (left) for the photo after the bilateral meeting

5. KIPO-IP Australia Bilateral Heads Meeting

Commissioner of Korean Intellectual Property Office (KIPO) Wan Ki KIM had a bilateral meeting with Acting Director General of IP Australia Jodie McALISTER on July 9, 2024 in Geneva, Switzerland and shared their thoughts on making IP administration more efficient by use of artificial intelligence.

KIPO Commissioner Wan Ki KIM (left) and Acting Director General of IP Australia Jodie McALISTER (right) taking a photo after the meeting

KIPO Commissioner Wan Ki KIM (4th from the left) and Acting Director General of IP Australia Jodie McALISTER (3rd from the right) taking a group photo with the delegations after the meeting

6. KIPO-DPMA(Germany) Bilateral Heads Meeting

Commissioner of Korean Intellectual Property Office (KIPO) Wan Ki KIM met with President of German Patent and Trade mark Office (DPMA) Eva SCHEWIOR on July 10, 2024 in Geneva, Switzerland and discussed the ways to cooperate with each other on advanced technologies such as artificial intelligence, semiconductor, and autonomous vehicle.

KIPO Commissioner Wan Ki KIM (right) and DPMA President Eva SCHEWIOR (left) taking a photo after the meeting

KIPO Commissioner Wan Ki KIM (5th from the left) and DPMA President Eva SCHEWIOR (4th from the left) taking a group photo with the delegations after the meeting

7. KIPO-DKPTO(Denmark) Bilateral Heads Meeting

Commissioner of Korean Intellectual Property Office (KIPO) Wan Ki KIM had a bilateral meeting with Director General of Danish Patent and Trademark Office (DKPTO) of Denmark Sune Stampe SØRENSEN on July 10, 2024 in Geneva, Switzerland and signed the Memorandum of Understanding on Comprehensive Cooperation in the Field of Intellectual Property.

KIPO Commissioner Wan Ki KIM (left) and DKPTO Director General Sune Stampe SØRENSEN (right) holding the singed MoU documents for the photo in a ceremony

KIPO Commissioner Wan Ki KIM (5th from the left) and DKPTO Director General Sune Stampe SØRENSEN (6th from the left) taking a group photo with the delegations after the meeting

8. KIPO-INPI(Argentina) Bilateral Heads Meeting

Commissioner of Korean Intellectual Property Office (KIPO) Wan Ki KIM had a bilateral meeting with President of National Institute of Industrial Property (INPI) of Argentina Carlos Maria Gallo on July 10, 2024 in Geneva, Switzerland and discussed key cooperation issues.

KIPO Commissioner Wan Ki KIM (right) shaking hands with INPI President Carlos Maria Gallo (left) for the photo after the meeting

9. KIPO-CIPO(Canada) Bilateral Heads Meeting

Commissioner of Korean Intellectual Property Office (KIPO) Wan Ki KIM held a bilateral meeting with Chief Executive Officer of Canadian Intellectual Property Office (CIPO) Konstantinos GEORGARAS on July 10, 2024 in Geneva, Switzerland and discussed the ways to enhance bilateral cooperation especially on examining AI-related inventions.

KIPO Commissioner Wan Ki KIM (middle in the right side) and CIPO CEO Konstantinos GEORGARAS (middle in the left side) having the bilateral meeting

KIPO Commissioner Wan Ki KIM (5th from the left) and CIPO CEO Konstantinos GEORGARAS (4th from the left) taking a group photo with the delegations after the meeting

10. KIPO-INPI(France) Bilateral Heads Meeting

Commissioner of Korean Intellectual Property Office (KIPO) Wan Ki KIM held a bilateral meeting with Director General of National Institute of Industrial Property (INPI) of France Pascal FAURE on July 10, 2024 in Geneva, Switzerland and shared thoughts and information especially on personnel exchange program and IP financing.

KIPO Commissioner Wan Ki KIM (right) shaking hands with INPI Director General Pascal FAURE (left) for the photo after the meeting

KIPO Commissioner Wan Ki KIM (5th from the left) shaking hands with INPI Director General Pascal FAURE (4th from the left) taking a group photo with the delegations after the meeting