IP5 PPH ((January 6, 2014~)
(Participating Offices) Korean Intellectual Property Office (KIPO), Japan Patent Office (Japan), National Intellectual Property Administration of the People's Republic of China (CNIPA), United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO), European Patent Office (EPO)
Global PPH (January 6, 2014~)
(Participating Offices) KIPO (Korea), JPO (Japan), USPTO (USA), CIPO (Canada), PRH (Finland), ROSPATENT (Russia), UKIPO (UK), NIPO (Norway), NPI (Nordic), DKPTO (Denmark), PRV (Sweden), INPI (Portugal), ISIPO (Iceland), IP Australia (Australia), HIPO (Hungary), IPOS (Singapore), APO (Austria), SPTO (Spain), ILPO (Israel), DPMA (Germany), EPA (Estonia), PPO (Poland), SIC (Colombia), IPONZ (New Zealand), VPI (Visegrad), INDECOPI (Peru), INAPI (Chile)
* The IP5 PPH and Global PPH programs run concurrently and are identical, differing in the participating offices.
- (IMPI) Patent Prosecution Highway between KIPO and IMPI (Mexico) (July 1, 2012)
- (IPOPHL) Patent Prosecution Highway between KIPO and the IPOPHL (Philippines) (May 1, 2015)
- (TIPO) Patent Prosecution Highway between KIPO and TIPO (Taiwan Intellectual Property Office) (July 1, 2015)
- (EAPO) Patent Prosecution Highway between KIPO and the EAPO (Eurasian Patent Office) (January 1, 2019)
- (IP Viet Nam) Patent Prosecution Highway between KIPO and the IP Viet Nam (Viet Nam) (June 1, 2019)
- (SAIP) Patent Prosecution Highway between KIPO and SAIP (Saudi Arabia) (July 1, 2019)
- (INPI) Patent Prosecution Highway between KIPO and INPI (Brazil) (April 1, 2020)
- (The MyIPO) Patent Prosecution Highway between KIPO and the MyIPO (Malaysia) (December 1, 2020)
- (INPI) Patent Prosecution Highway between KIPO and INPI (France) (September 1, 2022)
- (DGIP) Patent Prosecution Highway between KIPO and DGIP (Indonesia) (December 8, 2023)
- (MOIC) Patent Prosecution Highway between KIPO and MOIC (Bahrain) (January 15, 2025)
Improvements to the PPH
KIPO will expand efforts to further improve the Patent Prosecution Highway (PPH) program jointly with the USPTO and the JPO.
KIPO will conduct an improvement initiative for the PPH program** from August 1, 2023 in cooperation with the USPTO and the JPO, setting a 3-month pendency to each action during examination of a PPH application.
This initiative will enable PPH applicants requesting to KIPO, the USPTO and the JPO more easily to predict the timing of PPH examination and to get rapid examination of PPH applications.
* Patent Prosecution Highway: International cooperation program enabling applicants to request accelerated examination of a patent application pending at a second office(known as the office of later examination or OLE) and having been found allowable/patentable by a first office (known as the office of earlier examination or OEE)
** The USPTO and the JPO launched this initiative in 2022 to increase the predictability of the timing of PPH examination by having set a 3-month pendency to each action during examination of a PPH application.
<Targets set by KIPO>
Target | |
Average period from completion of PPH request to first office action | Within three (3) months |
Average period from applicant's response to subsequent office action | Within three (3) months |
Please visit the USPTO's and the JPO's home pages to see the targets set by the USPTO and the JPO, respectively.
Bilateral PPH Pilot Programs completed or suspended due to the implementation of the IP5 PPH and Global PPH programs.
- (JPO)Patent Prosecution Highway between KIPO and JPO (April 1, 2007)
- (USPTO)Patent Prosecution Highway between KIPO and the USPTO (January 28, 2008)
- (USPTO)PCT-PPH between KIPO and the USPTO (July 1, 2011)
- (DKPTO)Patent Prosecution Highway between KIPO and the DKPTO (March 1, 2009)
- (UKIPO)Patent Prosecution Highway between KIPO and the UKIPO (October 1, 2009)
- (CIPO)Patent Prosecution Highway between KIPO and CIPO (October 1, 2009)
- (ROSPATENT)Patent Prosecution Highway between KIPO and ROSPATENT (November 2, 2009)
- (NBPR)Patent Prosecution Highway between KIPO and the NBPR (January 4, 2010)
- (SPTO)Patent Prosecution Highway between KIPO and SIPO (March 1, 2012)
- (CNIPA)Patent Prosecution Highway between KIPO and CNIPA (March 1, 2012)
- (JPO)PCT-PPH between KIPO and JPO (July 1, 2012)
- (HIPO)Patent Prosecution Highway between KIPO and HIPO (January 1, 2013)
- (IPOS)Patent Prosecution Highway between KIPO and IPOS (January 1, 2013)
- (APO)PPH and PCT-PPH between KIPO and APO (March 1, 2013)
- (PPO)Patent Prosecution Highway between KIPO and the PPO(Poland) (Jan 1, 2017)
- (SIC)Patent Prosecution Highway between KIPO and SIC(Colombia) (February 1, 2016)
Objective and Outline of the Patent Prosecution Highway
The basic concept of the Patent Prosecution Highway (PPH) is as follows: where an office of first filing (OFF) has assessed the patentability of a patent application, an office of second filing (OSF) offers the applicant accelerated examination for the corresponding application, provided that certain conditions are met. Those conditions include sufficient correspondence in the claims of the two applications and the search and examination results of an OFF being made available to an OSF.
Under the PPH program, the examination results of an OFF are used to expedite the application process in an OSF, thereby reducing the workload and improving patent quality. If deemed patentable by an OFF, the corresponding application is filed in advance for accelerated examination in an OSF.
Requirements and Documents to be Submitted for Participation in the Patent Prosecution Highway
- 1. An application (including a PCT national application) in an OSF which validly claims priority from an application in an OFF
- 2. An application in an OFF with at least one claim deemed to be patentable/allowable
- 3. All claims in an application filed in an OSF must sufficiently correspond to or be amended to sufficiently correspond to one or more of patentable/allowable claims from an application filed in an OFF
Documents to be submitted
- 1. Copies and translations of claims which are deemed patentable in an OFF
- 2. Copies and translations of all office actions issued by an OFF
- 3. Copies of references cited by an OFF's examiner
- 4. A claims correspondence table
- * Please refer to guidelines below for the process of submitting the documents and satisfying the requirements as mentioned above.
Request Form
Request Form : English Download Korean Download
- The five IP offices (IP5) agreed to extend the implementation of the IP5 PPH, of which duration commences on January 6, 2023 and will last for three years till January 5, 2026.
- The five IP offices (IP5) agreed to extend the implementation of the IP5 PPH, of which duration commences on January 6, 2020 lasting three years until January 5, 2023.
- The five IP offices (IP5) agreed to extend the implementation of the IP5 PPH, of which duration commences on January 6, 2017 lasting three years until January 5, 2020.
- Tokyo 2016 IP5 Press Release : English Download
- The five IP offices (IP5) agreed to start the IP5 PPH on January 6, 2014, according to the agreement endorsed at the IP5 Heads of Office Meeting held in September 23, 2013.
- Agreed Record of Discussion between the IP5 Heads : English Download
- Patent Prosecution Highway Request to KIPO
- IP5 PPH website :
- (KIPO) http://www.kipo.go.kr/kpo/user.tdf?a=user.html.HtmlApp&c=8079&catmenu=m06_02_08#21
- (USPTO) http://www.uspto.gov/patents/init_events/pph/index.jsp
- (CNIPA) http://www.cnipa.gov.cn/ztzl/zlscgslpphzl/index.htm
- (EPO) http://www.epo.org/law-practice/legal-texts/official-journal/information-epo/archive/20131218.html
- (JPO) http://www.jpo.go.jp/torikumi_e/t_torikumi_e/patent_highway_e.htm
Global PPH
- The Global PPH commenced on 6 January, 2014. The offices involved in the Global PPH (GPPH) pilot are IP Australia (IP Australia), Austrian Patent Office (APO), Canadian Intellectual Property Office (CIPO), Danish Patent and Trademark Office (DKPTO), Estonian Patent Office (EPA), Finnish Patent and Registration Office (PRH), German Patent and Trade Mark Office (DPMA), Hungarian Intellectual Property Office (HIPO), Icelandic Patent Office (IPO), Intellectual Property Office of New Zealand (IPONZ), Israel Patent Office (ILPO), Japan Patent Office (JPO), Korean Intellectual Property Office (KIPO), Nordic Patent Institute (NPI), Norwegian Industrial Property Office (NIPO), National Institute for the Defense of Competition and the Protection of Intellectual Property of Peru (INDECOPI), National Institute of Industrial Property of Chile (INAPI), Patent Office of the Republic of Poland (PPO), Portuguese Institute of Industrial Property (INPI), Russian Federal Service for Intellectual Property (ROSPATENT), Intellectual Property Office of Singapore (IPOS), Spanish Patent and Trademark Office (SPTO), Superintendence of Industry and Commerce (SIC), Swedish Patent and Registration Office (PRV), United Kingdom Intellectual Property Office (UKIPO), United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) and Visegrad Patent Institute (VPI).
- Framework Provision for the Global PPH : English Download
- Patent Prosecution Highway Request to KIPO
Patent Prosecution Highway between KIPO and the DPMA
- KIPO and the DPMA agreed at the Commissioners' Meeting held in March 2010 to start a Patent Prosecution Highway pilot program on July 1, 2010. Details of procedures in each office are found in the documents below:
- Patent Prosecution Highway Request to KIPO
- Patent Prosecution Highway Request to the DPMA
- For more details of the procedure, request form, etc., please visit the DPMA website below :
- For more details of the procedure, request form, etc., please visit the DPMA website below :
Patent Prosecution Highway between KIPO and IMPI
- KIPO and IMPI has agreed to indefinitely carry out the pilot PPH program, including the PCT-PPH, from July 1, 2023.
- KIPO and IMPI extend the pilot program in its current status, of which duration is three years from July 1, 2020 to June 30, 2023.
- KIPO and IMPI agreed at the Commissioners' Meeting held in March 2012 to start a PPH pilot program on July 1, 2012. Details of requirements and procedures in each office are found in the documents below:
- PPH Request to KIPO
- PPH Request to IMPI
- Requirements and procedures for filing a request to IMPI for participation in the PPH program can be found at the IMPI website below :
- Requirements and procedures for filing a request to IMPI for participation in the PPH program can be found at the IMPI website below :
Patent Prosecution Highway between KIPO and the IPOPHL
- KIPO and the IPOPHL extend the pilot program in its current status, of which duration is two years starting from May 1, 2017. The duration will be automatically extended for equal periods, unless either office notifies the other in writing of its wish to terminate this agreement.
- Joint Announcement of the Continuation of the PPH : English Download
- KIPO and IMPI agreed at the Commissioner's Meeting held in April 2014 to start a PPH pilot program. The commencing date is July 1, 2015. Details of requirements and procedures in each office are found in the documents below:
- PPH Request to KIPO
- PPH Request to IPOPHL
- Requirements and procedures for filing a request to IPOPHL for participation in the PPH program can be found at the IPOPHL website :
- Requirements and procedures for filing a request to IPOPHL for participation in the PPH program can be found at the IPOPHL website :
Patent Prosecution Highway between KIPO and TIPO
- KIPO and TIPO agreed to continue the PPH program as having the same conditions with the current agreement for an indefinite time period (June 23, 2020)
- KIPO and TIPO agreed to start a PPH pilot program. The commencing date is July 1, 2015. Details of requirements and procedures in each office are found in the documents below:
- PPH Request to KIPO
- PPH Request to TIPO
- Requirements and procedures for filing a request to TIPO for participation in the PPH program :
English Download
- Requirements and procedures for filing a request to TIPO for participation in the PPH program :
Patent Prosecution Highway between KIPO and SIC
- KIPO and SIC agreed at the Commissioners' Meeting held in October 2015 to start a PPH pilot program on February 1, 2016 for an indefinite time period, unless either office notifies the other in writing of its wish to terminate this agreement. Details of requirements and procedures in each office are found in the documents below:
- PPH Request to KIPO
Patent Prosecution Highway between KIPO and the EAPO
- KIPO and the EAPO agreed at the Commissioners' Meeting held in September 2018 to launch a PPH and PCT-PPH pilot program on January 1, 2019 for three years (automatically extended under the same conditions with the current agreement unless there are justifiable grounds). Details of requirements and procedures in each office are found in the documents below:
- PPH Request to KIPO
- PPH/PCT-PPH Request to the EAPO
- Requirements and procedures for filing a request to the EAPO for participation in the PPH/PCT-PPH program :
English Download
- Requirements and procedures for filing a request to the EAPO for participation in the PPH/PCT-PPH program :
Patent Prosecution Highway between KIPO and the IP Vietnam
- KIPO and the IP Vietnam agreed to continue the 3rd PPH pilot program under the same conditions with the 2nd pilot program, with 2 year duration from June 1, 2023 to May 31, 2025.
- KIPO and the IP Vietnam agreed to continue the PPH pilot program as having the same conditions with the current agreement. The duration of the extended program will last two years from June 1, 2021 to May 31, 2023.
- KIPO and the IP Vietnam agreed at the Commissioners' Meeting held in May 2018 to launch a PPH pilot program on June 1, 2019 for two years. Details of requirements and procedures in each office are found in the documents below:
- PPH Request to KIPO
- PPH Request to the IP Vietnam
- Requirements and procedures for filing a request to the IP Vietnam for participation in the PPH program :
English Download
- Requirements and procedures for filing a request to the IP Vietnam for participation in the PPH program :
Patent Prosecution Highway between KIPO and SAIP (automatically extended under the same conditions with the current agreement unless there are justifiable grounds).
- KIPO and SAIP agreed at the Commissioners' Meeting held in January 2018 to launch a PPH pilot program on July 1, 2019 for three years. Details of requirements and procedures in each office are found in the documents below:
- PPH Request to KIPO
- PPH Request to SAIP
- Requirements and procedures for filing a request to SAIP for participation in the PPH program :
English Download
- Requirements and procedures for filing a request to SAIP for participation in the PPH program :
Patent Prosecution Highway between KIPO and INPI (Brazil)
- KIPO and INPI agreed to launch a PPH pilot program on April 1, 2020 for two years and to resume the program on July 8, 2022 for five years. Details of requirements and procedures in each office are found in the documents below:
- PPH Request to KIPO
- PPH Request to INPI
- Requirements and procedures for filing a request to INPI for participation in the PPH program :
English Download
- Requirements and procedures for filing a request to INPI for participation in the PPH program :
Patent Prosecution Highway between KIPO and MyIPO
- KIPO and MyIPO agreed to continue the PPH program as having the same conditions with the current agreement for an indefinite time period (December 1, 2023)
- KIPO and MyIPO agreed to launch a PPH pilot program on December 1, 2020 for three years.
Details of requirements and procedures in each office are found in the documents below: - PPH Request to KIPO
- PPH Request to MyIPO
- Requirements and procedures for filing a request to MyIPO for participation in the PPH program :
English Download
- Requirements and procedures for filing a request to MyIPO for participation in the PPH program :
Patent Prosecution Highway between KIPO and INPI (France)
- KIPO and INPI agreed to launch a PPH pilot program on September 1, 2022 for three years.
- Details of requirements and procedures in each office are found in the documents below:
- PPH Request to KIPO
Patent Prosecution Highway between KIPO and DGIP
- KIPO and DGIP agreed to launch a PPH pilot program on December 8, 2023 for three years.
- Details of requirements and procedures in each office are found in the documents below:
- PPH Request to KIPO
- PPH Request to DGIP
- Requirements and procedures for filing a request to DGIP for participation in the PPH program :
English Download - For more details on the procedure, request form, etc., please visit the DGIP's website below :
- DGIP's PPH website :https://www.dgip.go.id/
- Requirements and procedures for filing a request to DGIP for participation in the PPH program :
Patent Prosecution Highway between KIPO and MOIC
- KIPO and MOIC agreed to launch a PPH pilot program on January 15, 2025 for three years.
- Details of requirements and procedures in each office are found in the documents below:
- PPH Request to KIPO
Patent Prosecution Highway between KIPO and the JPO
- KIPO and the JPO agreed to start a Patent Prosecution Highway on April 1, 2007, according to an agreement endorsed at the Commissioners' Meeting held in November 2005. Details of requirements and procedures in each office are found in the documents below:
- KIPO and the JPO agreed to include a PCT application without priority claim in eligible applications for the KIPO-JPO PPH. This agreement came into effect on July 1, 2009.
- PPH Request to KIPO
- PPH Request to the JPO
- Requirements and procedures for filing a request to the JPO for participation in the PPH program :
Japanese Download Korean Download - For more details on the procedure, request form, etc., please visit the JPO's website below:
- Request form example : http://www.jpo.go.jp/torikumi/t_torikumi/program_style_Korea.htm
- JPO's PPH website : http://www.jpo.go.jp/torikumi_e/t_torikumi_e/patent_highway_e.htm
- Requirements and procedures for filing a request to the JPO for participation in the PPH program :
Patent Prosecution Highway between KIPO and the USPTO
- KIPO and the USPTO agreed at the Commissioners' Meeting held in September 2007 to launch a Patent Prosecution Highway pilot program in January, 2008. The Patent Prosecution Highway pilot program commenced on January 28, 2008, for one year and ended on January 28, 2009.
- KIPO and the USPTO agreed to the full implementation of the PPH between KIPO and the USPTO from January 29, 2009, under the same conditions as the pilot program.
- Joint Announcement on the Full Implementation of the Patent Prosecution Highway between KIPO and the USPTO :
- PPH Request to KIPO
- PPH Request to the USPTO
- Requirements and procedures for filing a request to the USPTO for participation in the PPH program :
English Download Korean Download - Request form : English: English Download
- For more details on the procedure, request form, etc., please visit the USPTO website below :
- Requirements and procedures for filing a request to the USPTO for participation in the PPH program :
PCT-PPH between KIPO and the USPTO
- KIPO and the USPTO agreed at the Commissioners' Meeting held in June 2011 to launch a PCT-PPH pilot program in July, 2011. The PCT-PPH pilot program commenced on July 1, 2011, for 11 months and ended on May 31, 2012.
- KIPO and the USPTO agreed to the full implementation of the PCT-PPH between KIPO and the USPTO from June 1, 2012, under the same conditions as the pilot program.
- Joint Announcement on the Full Implementation of the PCT-PPH between KIPO and the USPTO :
- PCT-PPH Request to KIPO
- PCT-PPH Request to the USPTO
- For more details on the procedure, request form, etc., please visit the USPTO website below :
- For more details on the procedure, request form, etc., please visit the USPTO website below :
Patent Prosecution Highway between KIPO and the DKPTO
- KIPO and the DKPTO agreed at the Commissioners' Meeting held in September 2008 to launch a Patent Prosecution Highway pilot program on March 1, 2009 for 1 year. After the one-year pilot period, KIPO and the DKPTO agreed to extend the PPH pilot program under the same conditions as the current program.
- Patent Prosecution Highway Request to KIPO
- PCT-PPH Request to KIPO
- Patent Prosecution Highway Request to the DKPTO
- For more details on the procedure, request form, etc., please visit the DKPTO website below :
- For more details on the procedure, request form, etc., please visit the DKPTO website below :
Patent Prosecution Highway between KIPO and the UKIPO
- KIPO and the UKIPO agreed at the Commissioners' Meeting held in June 2009 to launch a Patent Prosecution Highway pilot program on October 1, 2009. Details of requirements and procedures in each office are found in the documents below:
- PPH Request to KIPO
- PPH Request to the UKIPO
- For more details on the procedure, request form, etc., please visit the UKIPO website below :
- For more details on the procedure, request form, etc., please visit the UKIPO website below :
Patent Prosecution Highway between KIPO and CIPO
- KIPO and CIPO agreed at the Commissioners' Meeting held in September 2009 to launch a Patent Prosecution Highway pilot program on October 1, 2009. Details of requirements and procedures in each office are found in the documents below:
- PPH Request to KIPO
- PPH Request to CIPO
- For more details on the procedure, request form, etc., please visit the CIPO website below :
- For more details on the procedure, request form, etc., please visit the CIPO website below :
Patent Prosecution Highway between KIPO and ROSPATENT
- KIPO and ROSPATENT agreed at the Commissioners' Meeting held on June 23, 2009 to launch a Patent Prosecution Highway pilot program on November 2, 2009. Details of requirements and procedures in each office are found in the documents below:
- PPH Request to KIPO
- PPH Request to ROSPATENT
- For more details on the procedure, request form, etc., please visit the ROSPATENT website below :
- For more details on the procedure, request form, etc., please visit the ROSPATENT website below :
Patent Prosecution Highway between KIPO and the NBPR
- KIPO and the NBPR agreed at the Commissioners' Meeting held in September 2009 to launch a Patent Prosecution Highway pilot program on January 4, 2010. Details of requirements and procedures in each office are found in the documents below:
- PPH Request to KIPO
- PPH Request to the NBPR
- For more details on the procedure, request form, etc., please visit the NBPR website below :
- For more details on the procedure, request form, etc., please visit the NBPR website below :
PPH and PCT-PPH between KIPO and the SPTO
- KIPO and the SPTO agreed at the Commissioners' Meeting held in May 2011 to launch a Patent Prosecution Highway pilot program on July 1, 2011. Details of requirements and procedures in each office are found in the documents below:
- KIPO and the SPTO agreed to launch a PCT-PPH program on January 1, 2014 for 2 years.
- PPH Request to KIPO
- PPH Request to the SPTO
- For more details on the procedure, request form, etc., please visit the SPTO website below :
- For more details on the procedure, request form, etc., please visit the SPTO website below :
PPH and PCT-PPH between KIPO and the CNIPA
- Notice of Extension
- The PPH pilot program between the Korean Intellectual Property Office (KIPO) and the China National Intellectual Property Administration (CNIPA) will be extended from 1 March 2016 for an indefinite time period: The PPH pilot program between KIPO and the CNIPA commenced on 1 March 2012 and will expire on 29 February 2016. On the basis of the joint decision between KIPO and the CNIPA, the PPH pilot program between KIPO and the CNIPA will be extended from 1 March 2016 for an indefinite time period, unless either office notifies the other in writing of its wish to terminate this agreement. The guidelines concerning the implementation of this pilot program shall continue to apply.
- PH & PCT-PPH Request to KIPO
- PPH & PCT-PPH Request to the CNIPA
- Requirements and procedures for filing a request to the CNIPA for participation in the PPH & PCT-PPH programs are found at the CNIPA website below :
- Requirements and procedures for filing a request to the CNIPA for participation in the PPH & PCT-PPH programs are found at the CNIPA website below :
PCT-PPH between KIPO and the JPO
- KIPO and the JPO agreed at the Commissioners' Meeting held in June 2012 to launch a PCT-PPH pilot program on July 1, 2012. Details of requirements and procedures in each office are found in the documents below:
- PCT-PPH Request to KIPO
- PCT-PPH Request to the JPO
- Requirements and procedures for filing a request to the JPO for participation in the PCT-PPH program are found at the JPO website below :
- Requirements and procedures for filing a request to the JPO for participation in the PCT-PPH program are found at the JPO website below :
Patent Prosecution Highway between KIPO and HIPO
- KIPO and HIPO agreed at the Commissioners' Meeting held in October 2012 to launch a PPH pilot program on January 1, 2013. Details of requirements and procedures in each office are found in the documents below:
- PPH Request to KIPO
- PPH Request to HIPO
- Requirements and procedures for filing a request to HIPO for participation in the PPH program :
English Download
- Requirements and procedures for filing a request to HIPO for participation in the PPH program :
- For more details on the procedure, request form, etc., please visit the HIPO website below :
Patent Prosecution Highway between KIPO and IPOS
- KIPO and IPOS agreed at the Commissioners' Meeting held in October 2012 to launch a PPH pilot program on January 1, 2013. Details of requirements and procedures in each office are found in the documents below:
- PPH Request to KIPO
- PPH Request to IPOS
- Requirements and procedures for filing a request to IPOS for participation in the PPH program :
English Download - For more details on the procedure, request form, etc., please visit the IPOS website below :
- Requirements and procedures for filing a request to IPOS for participation in the PPH program :
PPH and PCT-PPH between KIPO and APO
- KIPO and APO agreed at the Commissioners' Meeting held in December 2012 to launch a PPH and PCT-PPH pilot program on March 1, 2013. Details of requirements and procedures in each office are found in the documents below:
- PPH/PCT-PPH Request to KIPO
- PPH/PCT-PPH Request to APO
- Requirements and procedures for filing a request to APO for participation in the PPH/PCT-PPH program :
English Download
- Requirements and procedures for filing a request to APO for participation in the PPH/PCT-PPH program :
Patent Prosecution Highway between KIPO and the PPO
- KIPO and the PPO agreed at the Commissioners' Meeting held on Oct 5, 2016 to launch a PPH pilot program on January 1, 2017 for three years.
- Last updated 24 January 2025
- Patent Legal Administration Division